Tuesday, April 10, 2007

One Good Deed?

This happened last week. I was walking towards Video City, crossing the ped xing, when a boy probably one or two years younger crossed with me, and said "Ate, baka may extra kang pera diyan, nawalan kasi ako ng pera...kahit pamasahe lang...Sige na po..."

I was about to enter the video store when I came to a halt, and thought for like, only 5 seconds. He looked really desperate so I took pity on him, and gave him 10 pesos. What the heck, pwede na rin pamasahe yun and besides, I didn't have much money with me either.

I don't know, but for some reason, it does feel good to lend out a helping hand. Although within that 5-second thought of mine, the idea of him being a beggar and using the I-Lost-My-Money-Can-I-Have-Some-of-Your-Spare-Change tactic entered my mind (shame on moi) but he didn't look like one so I gave in. Besides, he was so polite and he made eye-to-eye contact with me, so I guess I sensed his sincerity.

Wala lang. I just remembered this encounter and believe me, I feel proud to have done that because the words "What Would Jesus Do?" came flowing in my head, as that boy came to me, at a point of desperation :))

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